

热门问题:一个人怎么会得白癜风? How does one get vitiligo?

There is some evidence that Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder, and furthermore it takes many years to progress, during which time individuals exhibit markedly two-toned skin. I don’t think this is any solution for your self-esteem issues. However, there are legitimate skin lightening treatments that exist, both cosmetic procedures and over the counter products. If you want to see the type of results that could be achieved, Cardi B. before and after pictures give you an example. While one commenter advises you to embrace your heritage and your natural skin colour, I can’t differentiate between your desire to have slighly lighter skin (as a dark-skinned person), and my desire for darker skin (through purposely sun-tanning) as a light-skinned person. I personally think darker skin overall is more attractive, but this is a personal preference thing. If you do seek treatments, just make sure it isn’t to follow fad or fashion, because what is considered “beauty” today could be precisely the opposite a few years from now (also a case against permanent tattoos).

有证据表明白癜风是一种自身免疫性疾病,而且它需要很多年才能进展,在此期间,个体的皮肤呈现出的双色调。我不认为这能解决你的自尊问题。然而,有合法的皮肤美白存在,包括美容程序和非处方产品。如果你想看看能取得什么样的结果,Cardi B.before and after pictures给你举个例子。虽然一位评论者建议你拥抱你的传统和你的自然肤色,但我无法区分你渴望拥有浅色皮肤(作为一个深色皮肤的人)和我渴望深色皮肤(通过故意日光浴)作为浅色皮肤的人。我个人认为深色皮肤更具,但这是个人偏好。如果你确实在寻求治疗,那就不要追随时尚,因为今天被认为是“美丽”的东西在几年后可能恰恰相反(这也是反对性纹身的一个例子)。
