

热门问题:一个人怎么会得白癜风? How does one get vitiligo?

I almost made a judgment about your question but I understand how some people would want the type of attention that comes with Vitiligo. I would prefer to suggest to you the best ways I think would help you to get Vitiligo on purpose:


11) cause some type of injury to your skin such as:

11) 对您的皮肤造成某种类型的伤害,例如:

-Tying yourself to the back of a truck and letting a friend drag your body down a concrete or dirt rock road a couple miles to severely scrape as much skin as possible off. Hopefully, your skin will heal a nice white all over;


10)-use a nice butterfly blade and peel and slice as much skin off as possible and see what happens;

10) -使用漂亮的蝴蝶叶片,尽可能多地剥皮和切片,看看会发生什么;

9)-Get about a gallon of hydrochloric acid and take an acid shower or bath;

9) -获取约一加仑盐酸,并进行酸洗淋浴或沐浴;

8)-scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch, and scratch some more;

8) -刮,刮,刮,刮,刮,刮,再刮;

7)-try taking showers in ALL hot water to traumatize and shock the skin into submission;

7) -尝试在所有热水中淋浴,以使皮肤受到创伤和电击;

6)-go to the desert and strip naked sitting on a rock and sun bath a few days until your thoroughly sunburnt and don't put anything on it to calm the irritation so that your skin can be so damaged your pigment won't want to come back.

6) -去沙漠,脱光衣服,坐在岩石上晒几天太阳浴,直到你晒伤,不要在上面涂任何东西来缓解刺激,这样你的皮肤会受到严重损害,你的色素就不会回来了。

5) Use skin bleaching creams to slowly lighten.

5) 用皮肤漂白霜慢慢地使皮肤变亮。

4) Take baths in Clorox

4) 在Clorox洗澡

3) If any autoimmune conditions such as lupus, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or disease of the pancreatic system runs in your family, try and get it! Vitiligo has been symptomatic or a secondary symptom of other autoimmune deficiencies.

3) 如果你家里有任何自身免疫性疾病,如狼疮、糖尿病、甲状腺机能亢进或胰腺系统疾病,试试看!白癜风是其他自身免疫缺陷的症状性或继发性症状。

2) Stress out so much about everything in life so that your body will physically react to your environment and emotions and try to change itself into a new person.

2) 对生活中的每件事都要施加太多的压力,这样你的身体就会对你的环境和情绪做出生理反应,并试图把自己变成一个新的人。

1) Pray for it. Only God could bless you with such an amazing cross to bear.

1) 为它祈祷吧。只有上帝才能保佑你,让你背上这么的十字架。

Good luck!

